
Youth League Sign-Up
Complete the form below to formally sign your child up for one of our youth leagues.
9:00 AM | Pee Wees (3 to 5 years old) -- $20 registration fee (Teams consist of 3 0r 4 bowlers)
9:00 AM | Bantams (6 to 8 years old) -- $20 registration fee (Teams consist of 3 0r 4 bowlers)
9:00 AM | Preps (9 to 11 years old) -- $20 registration fee (Teams consist of 4 bowlers)
12:00 PM | Junior Majors (12 to 18 years old) -- $20 registration fee (Teams consist of 4 bowlers)
Leagues start: Saturday, September 9, 2024
League Fees per Week (includes bowling, use of balls and shoes):
Pee Wees: $13.00 - bowl 2 games using bumpers
Bantams: $13.00 - bowl 2 games without bumpers
Preps: $15.00 - bowl 3 games without bumpers
Junior Majors: $15.00 - bowl 3 games without bumpers
NOTE: Prices are subject to change.