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Youth League Sign-Up

Complete the form below to formally sign your child up for one of our youth leagues.


  • 9:00 AM | Pee Wees (3 to 5 years old) -- $20 registration fee (Teams consist of 3 0r 4 bowlers)

  • 9:00 AM | Bantams (6 to 8 years old) -- $20 registration fee (Teams consist of 3 0r 4 bowlers)

  • 9:00 AM | Preps (9 to 11 years old) -- $20 registration fee (Teams consist of 4 bowlers)

  • 12:00 PM | Junior Majors (12 to 18 years old) -- $20 registration fee (Teams consist of 4 bowlers)

Leagues start: Saturday, September 9, 2024

League Fees per Week (includes bowling, use of balls and shoes):

  • Pee Wees: $13.00 - bowl 2 games using bumpers

  • Bantams: $13.00 - bowl 2 games without bumpers

  • Preps: $15.00 - bowl 3 games without bumpers

  • Junior Majors: $15.00 - bowl 3 games without bumpers


NOTE:  Prices are subject to change. 

2024/2025 Youth League Registration

INsurance Waiver Form

I understand that my child will not be covered by any program insurance and that there are inherent risks involved in any sport or activity. I agree that I will not hold the team, program, coach, or Lord Calvert Bowl responsible for any injuries received while participating in the program. I agree that my child and I will abide by all the League and Bowling Center rules, this includes paying “all” league fees owed by my child in full even if my child quits the league. Non-participants (e.g. siblings, friends, etc.) must have adult supervision at all times and must remain in the carpeted area behind the lanes. I also understand that no outside food or drink of any kind can be brought into the Bowling Center.

Please complete this form no later than September 1, 2024. Leagues fill up fast, so please make sure to complete this early. The fee should be mailed and the check should be made payable to Lord Calvert Bowl. You can also drop them of at the Lord Calvert Bowling Center.

We'll be in touch soon!

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